CBSE AFFILIATION NO: 2730460 | SCHOOL ID:1821217 | SCHOOL CODE: 25279 |
To inculcate a sense of responsibility and committment towards the society , the school organises various activities on
regular basis.
Visit to 'Sneh Kunj'- a spastic school gave a real insight to the students of the varied problems and difficulites faced by such children and their families.
Students were enthralled to provide help in their own capacity to bring smile on the faces of such children.
A whole -hearted participation of our school students in painting competition organised by MAD [MAKE A DIFFERENCE] speaks volumes
of concern which our students have developed over a period of time.
Visit to an old age home, campaign on Road Safety,
visit to orphanage are on the cards and the school is also working towards adopting a village to further
enchance the true sprit of its Motto:
" Service to mankind is Service to God".